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Religious Studies A AQA - Quotes Sheet

Religious Studies A AQA - Quotes Sheet

Every single quote you will need all in one place! Yes that’s right. Double sided, A3 with 307 quotes. This amazing resource includes all of the quotes needed for the GCSE AQA Religious Studies (Christianity and Islam) course. It is concise, easy to understand and can be adapted as you wish. It is split up into 8 topics and then further into sub topics. Included: Christian Beliefs and Teachings Christian Practices Islam Beliefs and Teachings Islam Practices Relationships and Families Crime and Punishment Religion and Life Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice. It is easy to read and will really help students remember those key quotes to gain extra marks in there exam. All RS teachers understand the importance of ‘clear reference to religion’ in the mark scheme and this resource will definitely help students in this. This is an invaluable resource that really will help students in revision.
The Person of Jesus Christ Workbook

The Person of Jesus Christ Workbook

A complete detailed workbook ready to teach for OCR, AS Level The Person of Jesus Christ (new specification). It includes: Student workbook (This can be used in lesson or as a revision booklet - 12 lessons) The workbook include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Context, Jesus as the Son of God, Jesus as a teacher of wisdom, Jesus as a liberator, Hypostatic Union, Bible passages, Rahner, Sermon on the mount, evaluation including analysis of whether Jesus was all the things he said he was and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 power points. Tried and tested!
Utilitarianism Workbook and Power Points

Utilitarianism Workbook and Power Points

A complete detailed workbook and power points ready to teach for OCR, AS Level Utilitarianism (new specification). It includes: 12 Lessons (from the workbook) Student workbook (This can be used alongside the power points or as a revision booklet) PowerPoints The workbook and power points include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Origins, Bentham, The hedonic calculus, Mill (1806-1873), Higher and lower pleasures, Criticisms of Mill including being elitist, Act and rule Utilitarianism, Evaluation including lack of religious belief and rationality and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 power points. Tried and tested!
Situation Ethics Workbook and Power Points

Situation Ethics Workbook and Power Points

A complete detailed scheme of work ready to teach for OCR, AS Level Situation Ethics (new specification). It includes: 15 Lessons (from the workbook) Student workbook (This can be used alongside the power points or as a revision booklet) PowerPoints The workbook and power points include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Origins, The law of love, Agape, Bible passages, The three approaches to morality, The four presumptions, The six principles, Conscience, Evaluation including if it is to subjective and social justice and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 15 lessons are from the workbook, not 15 power points. Tried and tested!
Euthanasia (Applied Ethics) Workbook and Power Points

Euthanasia (Applied Ethics) Workbook and Power Points

A complete detailed workbook and power points ready to teach for OCR, AS Level Euthanasia (new specification). It includes: 16 Lessons (from the workbook) Student workbook (This can be used alongside the power points or as a revision booklet) PowerPoints The workbook and power points include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Glossary, Law, Sanctity of Life, Quality of Life, Arguments for and against euthanasia, Medical intervention and non medical intervention, Autonomy, Personhood, Singer, Application to Natural Law and Situation Ethics and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content require in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 16 lessons are from the workbook, not 16 power points. Tried and tested!
Natural Law Workbook and Power Points

Natural Law Workbook and Power Points

A complete detailed workbook and power points ready to teach for OCR, AS Level Natural Law (new specification). It includes: 12 Lessons (from the workbook) Student workbook (This can be used alongside the power points or as a revision booklet) PowerPoints The workbook and power points include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Origins, 4 tiers, Telos, Cardinal Virtues, Synderesis rule, Primary and secondary precepts, Double effect, Real and apparent good, Evaluation including naturalistic fallacy and human character and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 power points. Tried and tested!
Kantian Ethics Workbook and Power Points

Kantian Ethics Workbook and Power Points

A complete detailed workbook and power points ready to teach for OCR, AS Level Kantian Ethics (new specification). It includes: 12 Lessons (from the workbook) Student workbook (This can be used alongside the power points or as a revision booklet) PowerPoints The workbook and power points include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Context Origins, Duty and Good will, Summum Bonum, Role of reason, The hypothetical imperative, The categorical imperative, The 3 postulates, Evaluation including human rights and how vague the theory can be and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 power points. Tried and tested!
Business Ethics (Applied Ethics) Workbook and Power Points

Business Ethics (Applied Ethics) Workbook and Power Points

A complete detailed workbook and power points ready to teach for OCR, AS Level Business Ethics (new specification). It includes: 12 Lessons (from the workbook) Student workbook (This can be used alongside the power points or as a revision booklet) PowerPoints The workbook and power points include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Glossary, Corporate Social Responsibility, Good ethics is good business, Ford pinto case, Globalisation, Hypocritical window dressing, Capitalism, Application to Utilitarianism and Kantian Ethics and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 power points. Tried and tested!
Christian Moral Principles Workbook and Power Points

Christian Moral Principles Workbook and Power Points

A complete detailed workbook and power points ready to teach for OCR, AS Level Christian Moral Principles (new specification). It includes: 12 Lessons (from the student workbook) Student workbook (this can be used in lesson or as a revision booklet) PowerPoints The workbook and power points include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Context, Propositional and Non-propositional revelation, Bible, Church, Reason, Heteronomous, Theonomous, Autonomous, Fletcher, Evaluation including whether Christian ethics are distinctive, personal or communal and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 power points. Tried and tested!
Meta-Ethical Theories Workbook and Power Points

Meta-Ethical Theories Workbook and Power Points

A complete detailed workbook and power points ready to teach for OCR, A2 Level Meta-Ethical Theories (new specification). It includes: 12 Lessons (from the workbook) Student workbook (This can be used alongside the power points or as a revision booklet) PowerPoints The workbook and power points include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Context, Naturalism, Aquinas, Hume, Intuitionism, Moore, Emotivism, AJ Ayer, Defining feature of good, Is good meaningful or meaningless, if people just know in themselves from common sense what is good and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 power points. Tried and tested!
Sexual Ethics Workbook and Power Points

Sexual Ethics Workbook and Power Points

A complete detailed workbook and power points ready to teach for OCR, A2 Level Sexual Ethics (new specification). It includes: 12 Lessons (from the workbook) Student workbook (This can be used alongside the power points or as a revision booklet) PowerPoints The workbook and power points include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Context, Homosexuality, Premarital sex, Extra marital sex, Cohabitation, Bible passages, Betrothal, Cahill, Secular thinking, The application of natural law, situation ethics, kantian ethics and utilitarianism to sexual ethics, if religion has a positive or negative effect on sexual ethics and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 power points. Tried and tested!
Pluralism and Society Workbook and Power Points

Pluralism and Society Workbook and Power Points

A complete detailed workbook and power points ready to teach for OCR, A2 Level Pluralism and Society (new specification). It includes: 12 Lessons (from the workbook) Student workbook (This can be used alongside the power points or as a revision booklet) PowerPoints The workbook and power points include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Context, Multi-faith societies, Inter-faith dialogue, Migration, Redemptoris Missio, Church of England sharing the gospel, Scriptural reasoning movement and evaluation of discussion related to Christian responses to multi-faith societies including social cohesion, conversion, mission work and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 power points. Tried and tested!
Christian Moral Action Workbook

Christian Moral Action Workbook

A complete detailed workbook ready to teach for OCR, AS Level Christian Moral Action (new specification). It includes: Student workbook (This can be used in lesson or as a revision booklet - 12 lessons) The workbook include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Context, Bonhoeffer, Duty to God and the state, Spiritual Discipline, Obedience, Civil justice, Confessing Church, Costly grace and evaluation on whether we can every truly know God’s will and whether Christians should practice civil disobedience and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 power points. Tried and tested!
Pluralism and Theology Workbook

Pluralism and Theology Workbook

A complete detailed workbook ready to teach for OCR, A2 Level Pluralism and Theology (new specification). It includes: Student workbook (This can be used in lessons or as a revision booklet - 12 lessons) The workbook includes discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Context, Exclusivism, Inclusivism, Pluralism, Salvation, ‘Anonymous Christians’, Kreamer, Hick, Rahner, Panikkar, Copernican revolution, Evaluation of theories including if a loving God would let people suffer and, if it is possible for someone to have faith but not make an effort to live a morally good life and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 power points. Tried and tested!
The Challenge of Secularism Workbook

The Challenge of Secularism Workbook

A complete detailed workbook ready to teach for OCR, A2 Level The Challenge of Secularism (new specification). It includes: Student workbook (This can be used in lessons or as a revision booklet - 12 lessons) The workbook include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Context, Freud, Dawkins, Wish fulfillment, Religion as repressive and infantile, Education, Government, Evaluation related to the topic including whether or not spiritual values are the same as human values, and whether religion is a source of conflict and much much more! What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 power points. Tried and tested!
Christianity Beliefs and Teachings Workbook and Power Points

Christianity Beliefs and Teachings Workbook and Power Points

A complete detailed workbook and power points ready to teach for AQA A, GCSE Christianity Beliefs and Teachings (new specification). It includes: 20 Lessons (from the workbook) Student workbook (This can be used alongside the power points or as a revision booklet). PowerPoints The workbook and power points include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. Explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. Covers: Nature of God, Trinity, Creation, Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension, Life after Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell, The Fall, Salvation, Atonement, Evil and Suffering and much much more. What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 GCSE students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 20 lessons are from the workbook, not 20 power points. Tried and tested!
AS Level Ethics Bundle (3 topics - Natural law, Situation Ethics, Kantian Ethics)

AS Level Ethics Bundle (3 topics - Natural law, Situation Ethics, Kantian Ethics)

3 Resources
Buy 3 and get 1 free! 3 Student workbooks (This can be used in lesson or as a revision booklet - 12 lessons per workbook) PowerPoints This bundle is for teachers of OCR AS Level and A Level Religious Studies. The bundle includes workbooks and powerpoints on 3 topics for ethics, stated on the specification at a discounted price! Can be used across specifications. All workbooks and power points include discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. It explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. I have grouped this particular set of resources together as they are the first 3 topics needed for the ethics part of the AS Level and A Level course, all in one go to get you going. Buy this and you are sorted for the first term. What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 PowerPoints. Tried and tested!
AS Level Ethics Bundle (All 6 topics)

AS Level Ethics Bundle (All 6 topics)

6 Resources
Buy 6 and get 1 free! The complete set of workbooks and power points for OCR Religion and Ethics, as part of the A Level Religious Studies course at a discounted price! Can be used across specification. Includes: 6 Student workbooks (This can be used in lesson or as a revision booklet - 12 lessons per workbook) PowerPoints Natural Law Situation Ethics Kantian Ethics Utilitarianism Euthanasia Business Ethics Each workbook and power points include, discussion points, differentiated questions, paired activities, independent research, detailed A01 and A02 content and assessment opportunities. It explores all aspects of the specification and most importantly accurate information written in a student friendly way. I have grouped this particular set of resources together as they are the 6 topics needed for the ethics part of the AS Level and A Level course all in one go. Buy this and you are sorted for the whole topic. What makes this unique? I currently teach over 60 A Level students, all mixed ability and this is how I cover the content required in the tight time frame we have. Once downloaded you can adapt this to fit the needs of your class or teach away. Please note the 12 lessons are from the workbook, not 12 PowerPoints. Tried and tested!